Let’s explore how

compares with Kaltura

Find out how Show manages to beat Kaltura while going toe-to-toe against it.

Criteria Show Kaltura Winner
Cost Effectiveness $89/Mo (1 User + 3 Team members) $890 billed annually Segmented Pricing - Extremely expensive Show
Advanced Analytics User IP and contact level information with custom attributes Lacks User IP Show
Advanced User Tracking Omniscript tracking with and without a video player Video-player tracking only Show
Video Email Marketing Icon Icon Show
Integrations and APIs Icon Icon Tie
144p to 8k support Icon Standard to 4K Show
Ease of Use Simple and intuitive dashboard Provides a clean user experience Tie
Marketing Automation Yes, Event-Based Triggers Icon Show
Folders and Playlists Icon Icon Tie
Video Recording No, but integration with VMaker is available Icon Kaltura
Streamline lead generation

Streamline employee onboarding

Fasten the process of your new employees adapting to your company with ease. Lessen the time taken for an employee to settle faster in your company. Host helpful and engaging interactive videos to guide your employees during the onboarding process.

Learn more about interactive videos

Make the employee training process better with videos

Show your employees the path to a prosperous tenure in your organization. Create training videos to help them learn how your company functions. Track your employee’s training and the efficacy of your video with our advanced video analytics tool.

Learn more about video analytics
Make the employee training process better with videos

Streamline employee onboarding

Streamline lead generation

Fasten the process of your new employees adapting to your company with ease. Lessen the time taken for an employee to settle faster in your company. Host helpful and engaging interactive videos to guide your employees during the onboarding process.

Learn more about interactive videos

Make the employee training process better with videos

Discover your audience more

Show your employees the path to a prosperous tenure in your organization. Create training videos to help them learn how your company functions. Track your employee’s training and the efficacy of your video with our advanced video analytics tool.

Learn more about video analytics

Create world-class learning management systems

Make training and learning more engaging, easier, and insightful with Show.

Book a demo

Streamline email marketing with videos

Increase your employee’s knowledge retention

Your employees do not need to fret if they forget their learnings in training. They can save themselves from any embarrassment by simply revisiting your training videos.

Help your employees adapt to your work culture with ease

Create videos that introduce prospective hires and newly onboarded employees to your company culture so that your employees experience a seamless transition from the previous company to your company.

Help your employees adapt to your work culture with ease

Increase your employee’s knowledge retention

Streamline email marketing with videos

Your employees do not need to fret if they forget their learnings in training. They can save themselves from any embarrassment by simply revisiting your training videos.

Help your employees adapt to your work culture with ease

Empower your sales team

Create videos that introduce prospective hires and newly onboarded employees to your company culture so that your employees experience a seamless transition from the previous company to your company.

Talking B2B
Increase your employee productivity

Book a demo