Video Marketing Strategies - The Ultimate Guide for 2023

Marketing is an uber-competitive area. Getting the attention of your prospective customers is a privilege. Video marketing can make a huge dent in the attention span of your target market. It can create a one-to-one connection, personalize the journey, and bring them deeper into your sales funnel. 

More people have started watching videos since the Covid-19 pandemic. With internet data charges drastically reduced, a greater part of the world’s population has started consuming more videos. Brands that are investing in videos will find more takers for it. You are in the right space if you are curious about video marketing. 

If your brand already uses video for its marketing, that’s great, but we strongly believe that this article will still help amp up your video marketing ROI. 

How to build a video marketing strategy?

You’ll be able to find a gazillion strategies for marketing your videos. But you need to choose the ones that will specifically work for your business. When developing a strategy, ample research should go into them before devising a plan.

Discover the Top 9 Video Marketing Strategies to Increase Your ROI.

  1. Set goals for video marketing
  2. Know your audience
  3. Add user-generated content
  4. Tell a story
  5. Choose the best platform for video hosting
  6. Infuse personality
  7. Plan your content production
  8. Optimize your videos for each marketing channel
  9. Decide on the metrics to track

1. Set goals for video marketing:

The first step toward creating a video marketing strategy is to set clear objectives. You will be shooting in the dark without an aim to root for if you don’t have a goal. Do not plan to make hundreds of videos at once. You shouldn’t have more than two or three objectives for your video marketing strategy either. The objective could be to get more leads, and schedule more demos. You should create your video content based on the business objectives. 

Set goals for video marketing -Video Marketing Strategies

You need to create different types of video content based on the stage of the marketing funnel your audience is present:

Awareness: In this stage, the prospect realizes they have a pain point to solve. They are looking for options. The video you create for this stage should inform them about how their pain points can be solved and subtly introduce your brand. 

Consideration: The prospect is looking for tools to solve their issues. They will be looking at testimonials, watching review videos, asking around their peers, and searching for case studies. 

Decision: In this stage, they are considering two or three solutions, and one of them is yours. This is where you need to do everything in your power to convince the prospect to choose you. Demos, invitations to test the product for free, free consulting calls, video testimonials, etc., will be a great addition. 

Customers who have already bought from you should be mollycoddled with extras and freebies. You need to keep delighting your existing customers to get their continued support. 

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2. Know your audience:

The next step is to find buyer personas. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customers. Each product could have anywhere from three to seven buyer personas. Refine your personas by gathering as much data as possible about your target market. It will help you create the perfect set of content for your audiences.

3. Add user-generated content:

According to The State of User-Generated Content 2022 Report, 72% of consumers believe that testimonials shared by customers are more credible than brands talking about themselves. People love brand videos where they see ordinary people similar to them. It creates a sense of trust. Encourage your customers to create videos using your branded hashtags. Your customers are likelier to share the videos they are present in, exposing you to a broader audience. 

Add user-generated content - Video Marketing Strategies

4. Tell a story:

Storytelling increases conversations by an incredible 30%, says Search Engine Watch. Telling stories is difficult, but if you can get it right, the ROI from your video strategy will skyrocket. The story that you say in your ad should align with your brand values. 

Here are a few ways you can tell stories: 

- Brands can tell stories using information they collect from their users. For example, Spotify says which songs are the most listened to in the rock genre or which dead artist still has the most hits on their platform. 

- Customer-driven storytelling can be realistic and hard-hitting. It becomes easy to tug at the heartstrings of your target audience.

- Hire PR companies to share your story. This is the most used technique, but not as effective as the previous two.

- Use influencers to share your story.

5. Choose the best platform for video hosting:

Video hosting platforms have robust security features that help protect your videos from external elements. The best thing about choosing a good video hosting company is that you will give your viewers an amazing experience and get to distribute them seamlessly. 

Marketers get the most from using such video hosting platforms. Let’s look at a few benefits:

- You have complete control over how the video appears. Choose your video players’ color, size, controls, positioning, branding elements, etc.

- It provides you with data regarding individual video viewership in real time.

- The visitors don’t have to see a ‘Recommended videos’ section which directs them to your competitors.

- See exactly where your customers drop off and make changes to boost their performance.

Video hosting platform - Video Marketing Strategies

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6. Infuse personality:

Your videos should not be drab and boring. They should encourage the customer to take action immediately and use them to showcase who you are as a brand. People will sit through videos when there is a lot of personality and pizzazz. What sets your business apart from others? Only create videos that will get your target audience excited. 

7. Plan your content production:

Having a solid content calendar in place will save everyone hundreds of hours. If you are doing everything in-house, you should have professionals who can handle all aspects of video marketing. If you plan to do your videos in-house, you will need all of these: Hiring a video agency will reduce your stress, but there will be a lot of tos and fros for approvals– and it can be tiring. 

Plan your content production - Video Marketing Strategies

8. Optimize your videos for each marketing channel:

Ensure your videos are optimized for each channel you intend to distribute. Your videos for Instagram Reels will have different specifications than when you post on Facebook. Optimize the video for search engines as well. With the help of a keyword tool, identify keywords relevant to the video content you have created. Add the keywords in the title and description. 

Do not make a long video anywhere between two and four minutes works better. Add subtitles to the video. If not, opt for close captioning of your videos; the search engine’s algorithm will recognize the video content and direct it to people using related keywords. 

9. Decide on the metrics to track:

When you have clearly defined goals, you want to determine if you are meeting them for each video campaign. If you don’t track video metrics, you will never be able to get better. Choose video performance metrics that are related to your video marketing goals. 

Decide on the metrics to track - Video Marketing Strategies

The number of times a video is played, the percentage of visitors who clicked, the number of shares, engagement rate, watch time, clicks and click-through rates, conversions, etc., need to be tracked and used as a benchmark for the future. Ensure that you integrate your videos on the site with Google Analytics. 

What kind of videos should your brand create?

After developing a clear strategy, the next step is to think about the kind of videos that you want to create. You cannot have a template set of videos for different business objectives or audiences. Let’s look at the types of videos and how they can be leveraged. 

1. Social content videos:

These types of videos are created for social networking platforms. They are designed to be engaging, fun, and short. Social videos can be for people in any spectrum of the buying cycle. Muted autoplay and video looping are two things that you should have in your videos to increase engagement. 

2. Testimonials:

These videos create social proof for your brand. One of your customers tom-tomming about your brand is one of the best things that can happen for your lead generation funnel. Testimonials should focus on how the customer benefited from your product or service. It would be great if you could include data points to increase the veracity of the customer’s claims. 

3. Educational:

They are more casual, and the aim is to create brand awareness about the brand. Establishing the brand as an authority in the field and how your customers get the most from your product is something you should focus on. 

4. Entertainment:

You cannot come across as formal and drab in all your videos. Show the goofy side of your brand by including content that entertains. It helps bring your prospective and existing customers closer to your brand. Don’t take yourself too seriously when creating videos like these.

5. Sneak peek:

Let the customer take a peek into how your company operates. It helps your prospects understand your motivations, convictions, and beliefs more. Include short clips of interviews with employees, executives, managers, and the leadership team. 


The above steps will help you develop a stellar video marketing strategy that will let you meet your business goals. Attract more leads, bring more visitors to your site, and increase your reach in front of your target audience by following the points outlined. 

If you are looking for a video hosting platform to increase your video marketing ROI, get in touch with GetShow. Our experts will tell you how exactly our video marketing software can help you.

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