Best email marketing strategies for 2023

If you are in the world of marketing, you’ll never stop seeing an influx of articles titled “Best email marketing strategies for the year X.” Why? Because the world communicates over email, and you want to leverage this channel to the hilt. 

The first email was sent way back in 1971, and it has become the mainstay for modern-day businesses to communicate with their customers, vendors, and whatnot. Several experts had proclaimed the downfall of email marketing every time there was a shiny new object in the fray. Their predictions have fallen flat– every single time. According to research, more than 333.2 billion emails are sent every day

If you are a marketer, not knowing how to indulge in strategic email marketing can be a dealbreaker. Let’s look at some of the best email marketing strategies that you can use for 2023:

User Generated Content (UGC):

One of the simplest ways to increase your engagement is to get content directly from your customers. It could be in the form of customer reviews, ratings, photos, and videos of your clients using your products. However, if user-generated content isn't immediately available or sufficient to meet your needs, consider sources like Freepik, which offers free top-rated images. Stock photos from such platforms can supplement your campaigns until more customer content becomes available. Positive feedback from your customers can also be used to create trust in the eyes of your prospects. 62% of consumers report that they are more likely to click on ads, emails, posts, etc., that feature customer photos rather than something created by the brand. 

Getting UGC isn’t difficult either. Offer small incentives for your customers to share. Include a CTA or a survey to gather such data. 

Personalization Personalization Personalization:

We can’t stress enough the importance of personalizing your emails. 72% of marketers said that personalization is one of the most effective strategies for email marketing. A hyper-personalized and micro-segmented campaign can do a world of good for conversions. Segment customers based on behaviour and user preferences. 

Here are a few email segmentation strategies to include: 

  • Segment customers by demographic factors such as age, gender, area, job role, etc.
  • Send quizzes and surveys to understand their likes and dislikes.
  • Leverage their purchasing history.
  • Understand how often they visit your product, when they visit, and so on. 
  • Check how customers behave on the app or website. 

Make it interactive:

Click-through rates increase by 200% when emails have interactive elements. Plain and vanilla emails are passe. Customers crave interactivity. 

Here are a few pointers on how you can make your emails interactive:

  • Embed dark mode.
  • Allow customers to fill survey responses on the email itself. 
  • Animate visuals with the help of GIFs.
  • Include personalized calculators, countdown timers, and quizzes. 
  • Add effects to your images.
  • Include interactive sounds. 
  • Add videos to your emails.

Keep accessibility in mind:

No matter what elements you add to your emails, never forget to keep accessibility in mind. People with any kind of condition should be able to enjoy your email campaigns without trouble. 

Let’s see how you can prioritize accessibility:

  • Use contrasting colours.
  • Design emails with dark mode.
  • Include descriptions in every interactive element.
  • Add transcript to all your videos. 
  • Use emojis wisely.
  • Use response design.
  • Check your code.
  • Make the text simple and easy to understand. 

Scrub your email list regularly:

Emailing as many people as possible is not really a great trick in the book. In fact, it is counterintuitive as your open rates will take a beating. Many people in your subscriber pool might not find you relevant anymore. Based on how people engage with you, it is wise to review and verify your email list every 12 months. By doing so, you will only send emails to those who are interested to click on your emails. 

Also, ensure that you provide an opt-out mechanism for your subscribers. They cannot be held against their will. If you don’t give them an out, they will mark your emails as spam. It will also reflect poorly on you as a brand. 

Be inclusive:

Companies have started prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and rightly so. You should focus on how diversity is included in your marketing material. Does the language you use promote any stereotypes? Do the pictures you use to represent all people? 

70% of consumers said that they expected brands to promote diversity and inclusion in their online advertising. Not only do you get to be on the right side by doing this, but it will also boost customer loyalty and sales. 60% of consumers said that they are more likely to buy from a brand that indulges in DEI. 

Wrapping up:

By using the right set of email marketing programs, you can increase your conversions. Building an email list of subscribers is no easy task. Nurturing them with an appropriate email marketing campaign strategy is what marketers need to do. It will include a lot of hits and misses. We truly believe that some of the above strategies that we have shared can catapult your email campaign’s success rate.